Terms and Conditions

1. Offer and order

  1. The offer in the online shop is aimed exclusively at natural persons who have unlimited legal capacity and are of legal age or who act with the consent of such persons, as well as at legal entities with residence or registered office in Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein. The provider is entitled to carry out age checks.
  2. The offer in the online shop, including advertisements and price lists, is subject to change and non-binding. Information in the online shop, including photographs and illustrations, does not represent guaranteed properties.
  3. Orders are binding for customers. For orders, customers receive a non-binding confirmation from the provider. The contract with the provider only comes into effect upon notification of the item being made available for collection or shipping.

2. Collection and delivery

  1. The provider informs customers in an appropriate manner about which pickup and delivery options are available. The provider is entitled, at its own discretion, without giving reasons, not to offer collection and delivery options - including to individual customers - or only under certain conditions.
  2. Information on collection and delivery times as well as availability is non-binding for the provider. Collection and delivery times can change at any time - particularly due to delays at the provider's suppliers. The provider is entitled to make partial deliveries and to partially make orders available for collection.
  3. The provider is entitled to set a deadline for the collection or acceptance of an order. If collection does not take place on time or a customer refuses to accept it, the provider is entitled, at its own discretion, to withdraw from the contract or to deliver the order at the customer's expense and to charge compensation for expenses. The provider is entitled, at its own discretion, to charge a flat rate compensation of 30.0% of the order value or compensation for the actual expenses.
  4. Provision for collection and deliveries are made at the risk and expense of the customer. The risk passes to the customer as soon as the shipment has been handed over by the provider to the transport company carrying out the delivery or has been made available for collection. The provider is entitled, at its own discretion, to waive the delivery costs or to provide that the delivery costs are included in the price. The provider is entitled to charge a small quantity surcharge or to set a minimum order quantity.
  5. Collections are only possible at agreed or published times. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, deliveries are made to the curb in Switzerland and subject to accessibility.
  6. Customers are obliged to immediately check collected or delivered goods for defects as well as accuracy and completeness. Complaints must be reported to the provider as soon as possible, but at the latest within five calendar days. This also applies to defects that can only be discovered at a later date. Complaints regarding transport damage must also be reported to the transport company carrying out the transport within the same period. The reports must be made in a form that allows verification in text.

3. Prices and Payments

  1. Prices in the online shop can be adjusted at any time. The prices at the time of individual orders apply. Unless otherwise stated, all prices in the online shop include VAT. Misprints and errors are expressly reserved.
  2. The provider informs customers in an appropriate manner which payment methods are available. The provider is entitled, without giving reasons, at its own discretion, not to offer means of payment - even to individual customers - and to make orders dependent on immediate payments as well as down payments or advance payments. The provider is entitled to charge payment fees, for example for deposits at the post office counter.
  3. The provider is entitled to carry out clarifications on the creditworthiness of customers or to have them carried out by commissioned third parties. The provider is entitled to assign claims against customers to third parties, in particular for invoicing and debt collection. The offsetting of customer claims against the provider is excluded.
  4. Unless expressly offered or agreed otherwise, payments are due immediately. If customers do not pay on time, they will automatically be in default without a payment reminder. After the payment deadline has expired, a late payment interest of 5.0% will be charged and the provider is entitled to charge a processing fee of CHF 20.00 for individual payment reminders. The provider is entitled to withdraw from contracts with defaulting customers and to refuse further orders.
  5. For “purchase on account” these apply General Terms and Conditions (GTC) with, among other things, the corresponding deadlines, fees and interest.
  6. Goods remain the property of the provider until full payment has been made. The provider is entitled to have a corresponding entry made in the retention of title register.

4. Return Policy

  1. The provider informs customers in an appropriate form whether, and if so, to what extent there is or is not a right to return defect-free goods. There is no legal right of return.
  2. The provider informs, if and to the extent that a right of return exists, within what period and how this right of return can be exercised by customers.

5. Guarantee, warranty and liability

  1. In the event of defects, the provider decides, without giving reasons and at its own discretion, how defects will be remedied. The statutory warranty is completely excluded.
  2. The provider is only liable for direct damage caused by its own grossly negligent or intentional actions. Liability for third parties as well as for indirect damages and consequential damages is excluded. In particular, the provider is not liable if the obligations arising from these terms and conditions are only partially or not completely fulfilled due to force majeure. Force majeure includes, in particular, attacks and explosions, epidemics and pandemics including the COVID-19 pandemic, riots, wars and unrest, lightning strikes and fires, nuclear accidents, magnetic storms, strikes, the restriction or interruption of electricity supplies and telecommunications services, floods and others Natural disasters, government-imposed bans and unforeseen weather conditions.
  3. The limitation of liability according to these General Terms and Conditions applies regardless of the respective legal basis. Any further mandatory liability, in particular for personal injury and in accordance with applicable data protection and product liability law, remains reserved.

6. Final provisions

  1. The provider is entitled to adapt these terms and conditions at any time. The general terms and conditions apply at the time of individual orders.
  2. The provider is entitled to have individual or all rights and obligations under these terms and conditions exercised by third parties or to transfer them to third parties.
  3. These General Terms and Conditions are subject exclusively to Swiss law with the exclusive place of performance and jurisdiction at the registered office of the provider. In deviation from this, consumers can choose between the court at their place of residence or at the headquarters of one of the parties. Consumer contracts are contracts for normal consumption services that are intended for the personal or family needs of customers.